Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cross River State a biodiversity sanctuary

Cross River State has been very active in the global climate change debate. Following its environmental activities and the success of the State Environment Summit, the State was invited to the World Environment Summit on Climate Change, Copenhagen, 2009, during which Senator Liyel Imoke was nominated into the Governor's Global Task Force on Climate Change, Chaired by the Governor of California, Arnold Schwazenager.

The State policy on environment, amongst which is the conservation of the rainforest. To this end, it has banned logging activities in the State and designated the State's mangrove swamp a reserve area. This has scaled up the value of the carbon stock in the State. The government also extended its urban aesthetics development up to 25Km radius of each of the five Urban Development Authories in Calabar, Ugep, Ikom, Ogoja and Obudu.

Procurement processes have commenced for Public-Private Partnership (PPP), to ensure sustainability and further improve on the efficiency and effectiveness of the waste disposal programme for a rapidly expanding city like Calabar and environs.

Governor Liyel Imoke has initiated, perhaps, the most massive and strategic intervention in rural development in the history of Nigeria. The core passion is the provision of infrastructure in rural communities as catalyst for economic growth and wealth creation.

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